Episode Credits |
Dialogue | Did You Know... ? |
Reviews | News & Ratings
Episode Summary
Still Crazy After All These Years / Season 1, Episode 2
First broadcast: October 10, 2004
Alan helps his ex-lover who tried to kill him get out of a psychiatric
hospital. Brad and Denny take a case where a wife is suing the hospital
for causing her emotional distress when her husband died during an
angioplasty. Denny learns this new case will help the other partners
decide if he is a liability to the firm. Lori tries to steer Sally away
from Alan.
Episode Credits
Directed by .... Charles Haid
Written by .... Kerry Ehrin, David E. Kelley
Elizabeth Mitchell .... Christine Pauley
Frances Fisher .... Carrie
John Michael Higgins .... Jerry Austin
Eric Payne .... Sam Halpern
Joel Anderson .... Atty. Kevin Ripley
Steven Anderson .... Walter Seymore
Rich Cooper .... Paul Rober
Anthony S. Johnson .... Judge Baker
Thomas Knickerbocker .... Dr. Mahoney
Andy Milder .... Dr. Gill
Victor Raider-Wexler .... Dr. Bender
Penelope Windust .... Martha Silver
Episode Dialogue
Alan: Christine, you were in love with a man who was unworthy of you,
who made you doubt everything you had a right to count on, who perhaps
even toyed with your sanity.
Christine: That's still no reason to kill him.
Alan: Perhaps he had it coming.
Christine: Perhaps you did.
Alan to Brad: Do you do tongue pushups?
Alan to Sally: I haven't kept up with the boyfriend/girlfriend
Denny: A man died during angioplasty, leaving him dead. Tragic.
Denny in deposition of attractive plaintiff: In this last year, would you
say you've had more or less sex since your husband died?
Alan to Lori: I find it difficult to maintain grudges against all those
who want to kill me, don't you? Perhaps you'll find that witty comeback in
your office.
Alan: I demand only one thing in a relationship, Christine, that I remain
utterly alone.
Alan: I may not be able to talk as fast, but my tongue is more versatile.
Alan: I love Vermont. Would you allow me to cover your body with maple
Alan about Brad and Tara: They make a lovely couple, don't they? He has a
nice tight ass, don't you think?
Did You Know... ?
For viewers on the Pacific Time Zone, this episode of Boston Legal was
interrupted with breaking news that Christopher Reeves passed away.
In the episode "Still Crazy After All These Years", Paul Lewiston recalls
to Denny Crane about the time they saw Muhammad Ali's last fight and the
beating that he received from Larry Holmes. Ali's last fight was against
Trevor Berbick, not Holmes. [source:

This image was shot between takes. Note the uncharacteristic chumminess
between Brad and Alan - and Alan wearing Spader's glasses.
Episode Reviews
Layers of Insanity by Abney [written for TV Tome]
The problem with measuring sanity is that, you can't really do it for
yourself. Someone else has to tell you you're not right in the head or you
probably won't believe it, and even then it's more than normal for people
not to trust others. It's a riddle, but it's part of life, even the quirky
lives of the lawyers at Crane, Poole, & Schmidt.
Alan's uneven relationship with Sally continues to bother me. They just
don't seem to belong together, no matter how much she thinks so. There are
more sparks between Alan and Lori, and they've had maybe three scenes
together the entire series. Brad seems to be filling the 'appreciative and
admiring' son figure that is usually occupied by Alan, (only Brad does it
with a tad less cynicism), and it's a justified move since Alan and Brad
seem to balance each other out. He didn't really have anything to do in
the courtroom, but he was superb, as always, in front of the committee at
the loony bin. He plays the English language like a musician plays his
instrument, brilliantly setting up Christine's stockpile of unused
medication, and freeing her from the "hospital". Unfortunately for him
this would set into motion a chain of circumstances that can only end
badly; something mirrored in Denny's alienation from the rest of the firm,
especially others in positions of power within it.
Denny may not be the same awe-inspiring figure he used to be, but he still
knows what the hell he's doing when it comes to the law, and manipulating
others, two skills that tend to go hand in hand. His former friend and
partner tried to set him up (something that astounds Lori, who was the
first to pick up on the plot), but Denny wrapped up his confidence in his
trademark arrogance, winning the trial and thwarting the efforts to have
him removed. Despite Brad's confession of a deep love for Denny, which
I'll get to later, he remains the authority figure who demands respect,
not just because he's a figurehead but because he commands it. Even though
he was obviously badgering the widow at the deposition, he was able to
conceal it as a legitimate line of questioning while making the opposing
counsel seem like the fool, something I doubted he could do. But only for
a second.
Tara did not appear much, to the episode's detriment. In her one, small
scene with Alan, she accomplished nothing but recapping for viewers what
was going on in case they had just tuned in, and in the other she inspired
no jealously from Alan by dancing with Brad. Just a comment that I would
rather not have heard about Brad, from Alan.
Sally, on the other hand, was much too insecure for me, and a terrible
match for Alan. Alan and Christine have better chemistry, and she tried to
kill him and then stalked him throughout the episode. But that's besides
the point. The one good thing she did was look genuinely crestfallen,
framed between a taken aback Alan and an advancing Christine, to bring the
episode to a melancholy close and set up next week's installment, where I
would love to see her past relationship with Brad explored.
Brad admitting he loved Denny could have been sweet if it wasn't so
awkward; it was, however, nice to see him interacting with people other
than Alan and Sally, one of which he already has a history with. The first
episode had him pigeonholed into a role with little going on. This time
around, he felt obligated to tell Denny that the senior partners were
looking for a reason to oust him, even though he was blinded to that truth
until Lori made it quite clear to him. He came off a little narrow-minded,
but overall good development for a character who desperately needs some.
For new characters not introduced in the final season of The Practice I'm
enjoying Lori's presence much more than I am Brad's, a situation that
could be remedied should Brad and Alan return to the antagonistic
relationship they had in the first episode. For now, I enjoyed her
soothing aura and the experienced (in all aspects of the word) voice she
gives, advising Sally on what to do with Alan while temporarily letting
her guard down at the office party. She's not interested in Alan, but she
is intrigued...and yes, there is a difference.
And last, but certainly not least, the charmingly zany Christine. I
sincerely hoped that the first few times she "rescheduled her flight" that
it was true, that she was really leaving but couldn't bring herself to do
it because she still felt tied to Alan, for what he did for her despite
what she (tried) to do to him. Boy was I naive. Hopefully, her
stalker-like tendencies will bring more interaction with some of the rest
of the staff at the firm in the coming weeks.
At the end of the day, it's more difficult to this episode than it was to
last weeks, and that's understandable. Most people don't come into contact
with the clinically insane on a day to day basis, but for these people
it's an oddity if they don't. If the show can continue to challenge the
viewer (in this case with a revealing view at the nature of "mental
hospitals" and the question of whether they're truly hospitals or just
dressed-up prisons, or some combination of the two), I'm looking forward
to watching and reviewing the rest of the series. Until Sunday, I leave
you with some afterthoughts -
The Good
-Elizabeth Mitchell as Christine Pauley; I enjoyed her recurring role on
ER and I love her here. It's a part that's as powerful as it is out there.
-Christine dropping her many pills on the table. Predictable, but
enjoyable nonetheless.
The Bad
-Even though the camerawork and rapid zooming was toned down a bit, (now
used predominantly upon returns from commercials, and sometimes scene
changes), along with the irritating music, it's still unnecessary.
-The attempted ousting of Denny Crane by setting him up to commit
professional suicide. How very devilish of someone accusing Denny of being
off his rocker...
The Ugly
-Denny Crane's pink tie/pink shirt combo under his suit. And his purple
tie/purple shirt too. Sorry, but that's just plain bad fashion sense. No
matter who you are.
Written by: Abney | Send feedback and comments to Abney at
Episode News>
Fast Overnight Ratings / MediaWeek.com [October 11, 2005]
Results in viewers and adults 18-49 are based on the fast affiliate
ratings. Ignited by lead-in Desperate Housewives, ABC's Boston Legal won
the 10 p.m. hour for the second week in a row in viewers and adults 18-49,
beating NBC's Crossing Jordan by 250,000 viewers (12.75 vs. 12.50 million)
and 13 percent among adults 18-49 (5.1/13 vs. 4.5/11). Crossing Jordan was
first, however, in the overnights with an 8.9/14 compared to an 8.6/14 for
Boston Legal. They also won the hour in Adults 18-34 (3.7/11) and Adults
25-54 (6.0/14). Given how far Boston Legal fell from Desperate Housewives
- 42 percent in the overnights, 7.79 million viewers and 41 percent among
adults 18-49 - ratings could be better. [Source: NTI Fast Affiliate]
Boston Legal was ranked #23 out of 100 shows for the week ending 10/10/04
with 12.1mm viewers. Last week, it was 17 of 116 in the same ranking
system. It did not make the Nielson Top 20 this week.

Episode Video

Boston Legal: Still Crazy After All These Years
Season 1, Episode 2
Airdate: October 10, 2004
Watch 1st segment clip
2nd segment clip (9:25)
wm stream; 298 bitrate / no downloads
Episode Images
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Read the episode, transcribed by olucy: [pdf]
Episode Forum
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Episode Ratings
Won time slot
12.8 million viewers [last week: 13.8m]
Won Adults 18-49
5.1/13 [last week: 5.0/13]

Legal Ep.2 [mobile edition]
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Crazy After All These Years"
(10 mb; 128k)
Video: "Still Crazy After All These Years"

Watch 'Still Crazy After All These Years' (3:45) [Episode Airdate:
wm download; 340 bit rate / right click link and 'save target as'
I used The Killers "Mr. Brightside" to accompany the storyline from
episode 2 where Shore's ex is released from a psychiatric hospital. The
theme is obsession, jealousy and Shore's many women. Side note: The
Killers music was chosen both because the lyrics seemed to fit and
because The Killers are
lobbying hard to get Spader to be in their extended short film that
will incorporate "Smile," "Midnight Show" and "Leave the Bourbon on the
Shelf" — songs the Killers refer to as "The Murder Trilogy". The singer
said, "Whenever I see it in my head, I see James Spader killing this