During the void called the Summer of 2007, our Boston Legal Creative Writing moderator, bbbeluga, issued a writers challenge to find our inner Shiki. Her charge:

A long summer stretch
A Craneless constipation
Lock and Loadlessness....

A haiku consists of 17 syllables - usually arranged 5-7-5, but in the BL world, things can get as loose as Denny's grasp on reality.

"Haiku to you, too"

icon by "aimless glee"
Balcony Haiku

[by bbbeluga]

a droughtful summer
left in a lurch by a dearth
of balcony truths

[by olucy]

At day's end, take note
The balcony is reserved
For meeting of minds.

[by bbbeluga]

observations of
limitations on friendship
can limit ones friends

one friend observes, his
silent acceptance masking
deeper heart felt love

the other derives
comfort from the safety net
sitting alongside

the moon rises as
smoke billows signaling the
day is done my friend

together they sage
they ruminate and they solve
all issues but theirs

friendship held aloft
no greater force could move them
from that balcony

Icon by twisted_badger Icon by figureofspeech
Aloha Motel

[by paulish]

She sways her grass skirt
and blinks: pink, orange, green, red.
A man is watching.

He leans, close enough
to graze her skin, his lips the
petals, night, a breeze.

Morning and he dives,
kingfisher to sea, the white
his blue, she his fish.

icon  by godhopping
[by olucy]

Reasonable doubt.
Does he really have Mad Cow?
Only Denny knows.

Icon by twisted_badger
[by olucy]

One-legged lovers
Fulfilling the fantasies
Of one Denny Crane.


Icon by falanyel_86
Flamingo Haiku

[by xerxes3]

Frustrated friend? To
Be fishing in a sewer...
Drained of desire.

Two stone thrones perched high,
Sitting empty for dreamers;
Clanking glasses nigh.

High above the earth,
A sense of mortality
And a smiling ease.

Chilled air breezing hair,
Soft smoke circling, scotch swirling-
Only friend is there.

A parting smile:
Death leaves the friendship still filled,
But the thrones empty...

Love Finds A Way

[by paulish]

I love you but I'm
not going to kiss you, friend.
Still, we can mambo.

"Does that line ever
work?" "It's working now." She's a
goddess, isn't she?

The night we had our
first three-way with her: "It was
fabulous for me."

"Just one dance. Let me
waltz down memory lane." "One
dance if you’ll drop it."

"Sleepover tonight?"
"You got it!...I wouldn't trade
them for anything."

Icon by twisted_badger

[by dana]

Deskbound, a man sighs
fretfully telling stories
"Brad - he slept with me!"


[by olucy]

Go ahead and honk his nose.
It's all in your head.

See, he's a nice man.
With his never-ending smile
And gaze locked on you.

Bright orange hair, big shoes
Cackling laugh that's not evil.
Well not really. Right?

Icon by falanyel_86
A BL Season in Haiku [4th]

[by paulish]

The storm from afar
draws near. A friend is distant.
The past returns. Sex.

An unrecognized
key slips silently into
a long-hidden lock.

New minorities
emerge in need of justice.
Secrets are revealed.

Women don't get it.
Neither do men. Attempts to
make amends go wrong.

The government does
something inappropriate.
Tempers flare. No sex.

Clients fail to tell
all. A rabbit is produced.
Someone is pants-free.

Favors are called in.
Chickens come home. Conditions
make their effects felt.

Sex is a subject
of many remarks, if not
much activity.

abound and are corrected.
The great loves remain.

Icon by godhopping

[by paulish]

Your life with Patty's
quiet, isn't it? Do you
hold her close and dance?

Inanimates don't
quarrel, want their way, or tell
you how to love them.

Hands that reach for Hands
might be worth the extra stress
they bring. Chomp on that!

Orange Alan by kalijean

[by darryl]

Charity begins
at home; give to Shore's Home For
Wayward Hookers, please

[by olucy]

Is "catch and release"
Alan's fishing strategy?
Or dating habits?

Icon  by kalijean
[by olucy]

Who can think about
Whose God it is, anyway
When syrup's at stake?


haikus by olucy, bbbeluga, xerxes3, darryl, dana and paulish, More in our forum under "Haiku to you, too"
Icon credit: "Balcony" by aimless glee, "Flamingos" & "Hug Me" by  falanyel_86, "Tara" by figureofspeech, "Wishful Thinking" by dien, "Sniff" & "Orange Alan" by kalijean, "Not a Defense" & "Hands" by by godhopping, "Tara/Alan", "Nimmo" & "Singing Denny" by twisted_badger