Show Notes for Boston Illegal Radio
"Live Big" 2x16 February 21, 2006
Host Dana Greenlee; Co-host Georgia Murray [GeorgiaMurray.net]
"Live Big, Part 1 of 2" mp3 download [74 min; 26 mb]
"Live Big, Part 2 of 2" mp3 download [58 min; 20 mb]
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1. Intro
A story of fathers, daughters, partners, a new beginning, a final end, old
flames, reconciliation, forgetting your life and living big.
Deconstruct “Live Big”. We’ll get Debb from Montreal on the phone to
revisit our Parallel Univ/Trek in the courtroom. She’s found similar
themes of weddings and parental estrangement. Finally, BL news of the
week. Georgia peppers our conversation with insights from her work on this
episode. After dissecting, LB, Georgia talks about her music and about her
life at Nimmo Bay.
Let’s take this by storyline: 1) A wedding & a best man: Ivan, Missy and
Shirley – and show tunes 2) Fathers and Daughters - Paul reconnects with
Rachel 3) Alzheimer’s as a story point: The story of Ryan Myerson 4)
Episode Conversation
side: DEK wrote this script with Tom Selleck
in mind. Kelley returns to write for the first time since BL2.10 ("Legal
Deficits"). This marks the 23rd episode of the show written or co-written
by Kelley (out of 33).
Directed by Bill D'Elia- Executive Producer D'Elia has been working with
Kelley since Chicago Hope (1994), but has occasionally directed episodes
of non-Kelley shows, in particular three episodes of The West Wing. D'Elia
has previously directed three episodes of Boston Legal - BL1.1 ("Head
Cases"), BL1.14 ("'Til We Meat Again"), and BL2.4 ("A Whiff and a
Prayer"). He also directed two episodes of The Practice, TP8.8
("Concealing Evidence"), and TP8.18 ("The Case Against Alan Shore").
Tom Selleck .... Ivan Tiggs
Meredith Patterson .... Missy Frank
Maury Chaykin .... Ryan Myerson
Adam Arkin .... A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer
Jayne Brook .... Rachel Lewiston
Michael Ensign .... Judge Paul Resnick
Stacy Galina .... Jody Young
Ashley and April Rios .... Fiona
Nick Toth .... Minister Bill
Georgia Murray .... herself
Peggy Etra .... foreperson
1. A wedding & a best man: Ivan, Missy and Shirley – and show tunes
SB-1 Ivan Tiggs: That is some fine ‘South of the
border’ Schmidt. [1:10]
Side: Tiggs and Schmidt Law firm partners; TV
Guide had a nice 2-page spread on Selleck's guest appearance.
Side: Selleck is best-known as the star of
the long-running '80s TV series Magnum, PI. 1987's "Three Men and a
Baby" (directed by Leonard Nimoy). Monica's boyfriend in 9 episodes of
Friends. Selleck is also a producer of various film/TV projects, including
the recent "Jesse Stone" movies, in which he also starred.
Side: Thanks to ‘cbfan’, posted in forum:
plot sounds exactly like an old Murphy Brown episode: Seems Like Gold
Jerry Gold returns from Germany and it seems just like old times for
Murphy and Jerry and the gang. [...] Jerry and Murphy end up in bed
together and Murphy tells him she does not want a relationship. Jerry says
like wise because he's getting married. After Murphy tries to kick Jerry
out of her house he tells her he wants her to be his best man because he
cares so much about her. Murphy agrees with much begrudging.
SB-2 Ivan Tiggs: To Shirley. She has a funny laugh.
I didn’t tell you. … Bambi’s mother got shot.
Side: she says ‘penis’. The ‘v’ word is a
storyline in Ivan the Incorrigible.
Side: Meredith
Patterson as Missy Frank - Patterson has been appearing on Broadway
and in full-length features since 1997.
SB-3 Shirley: How are you and Ivan… compatible? …
Oh, God., Tsunami. Holocaust. Trent Lott.
SB-4.Reception Missy Frank: If I could have your attention… singing [1:25]
Side: Cut dialog – scene originally began:
Shirley: It’s a fraud, Ivan.
Ivan: Oh, please.
Shirley: First of all, you’re not religious.
Ivan: I like church.
Shirley: As a place to pick up women, which is probably how you met her,
you two are nothing alike.
Ivan: I find in relationships, it’s the differences you celebrate
SB-5.Shirley: Really love this girl, Ivan (they
kiss) [:50]
Conclude storyline: marriage, reprise Something Good/Maria and the Captain
in vows, Shirley smiles.
2. Fathers and Daughters - Paul reconnects with Rachel
SB-6: Shirley and Paul having drinks in a nightclub.
Paul: So why not do it? Be in his wedding.
Georgia talks about filming scene, song, memories. Also sang “City Lights”
and “World Goes Round”
SB-7 Paul: It was as if that song was pointed right
at my head. I did her homework with her [:55]
SB-8 Paul & Rachel: I was not going to enable you any longer! [escalating]
ends - How dare you take that from me? [2:00]
Side: Jayne Brook as Rachel Lewiston - Brook
has been appearing on film and TV since 1987 and first worked on a David
E. Kelley show in 1993 with a recurring role on LA Law. She later played
Dr. Diane Grad Chicago Hope, alongside Adam Arkin. Since then, she's had
recurring roles in series such as Sports Night, The District, and John
Doe. Most recently, she appeared earlier this season on two episodes of
SB-9 [World Goes Round] Shirley: Should we request
that other song? [1:11]
Georgia talks about “World Goes Round”, memories of filming scene. [1977
film "New York, New York", Liza Minnelli sang; written by John Kander and
Fred Ebb. Barry Manilow covered this song.
End of Part 1 concludes with a bit of Georgia's acoustic version of
"Thanks, Again".
Part 2 of 2 [http://www.boston-legal.org/audio/Boston-Legal-2x16-LiveBig-2.mp3]
3. Alzheimer’s as a story point: The story of Ryan Myerson
SB-10 Ryan Myerson: Alzheimer’s was her worst fear.
Side: Alan refuses the case at first, advises
to stick with first lawyer. Denny sitting very stoically throughout;
obviously something else at play.
Side: Maury Chaykin as Ryan Myerson - Chaykin
has acted on film and TV for over 30 years with roles in several major
films to his credit. Chaykin had a memorable role as a mad army commander
in 1990's Best Picture Oscar-winner "Dances With Wolves" and more
recently, played the title role in the A&E series Nero Wolfe (2001-2). A
Canadian citizen, Chaykin has won several awards for Canadian film/TV work
in his career.
SB-11 Alan, A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer Judge Paul
Resnick: Do you to have a prior relationship? [:28]
Side: Koupfer is Adam Arkin, who will be
directing 2x11 'Stick It', first actor/director in Boston Legal history.
Name change: A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer in final script, but was Albert
Ginsberg in Nov. 18 script. He appeared as Attorney Albert Ginsberg in
Season 8 of The Practice (Episode 2 - "The Chosen"), worked at Sheila’s
(Sharon Stone) old firm and was suing her. Arkin has had a long
television career and has worked extensively with David E. Kelley in the
past. His first film appearance came in 1969 at the age of 13, when he had
a cameo role with his actor father Alan in "The Monitors". His first work
with Kelley was on two episodes of LA Law and then on Picket Fences, and
finally in a lead role for six seasons on the series Chicago Hope. He also
did directing work on Chicago Hope and later directed an episode of Ally
Side: Michael Ensign as Judge Paul Resnick -
this episode will mark Ensign's fifth appearance on the show, all as Judge
Resnick (previously, he appeared in episodes 1.3, 1.5, 1.13, and 2.6).
Ensign's first TV appearance was in 1972, and his numerous credits include
appearances on all three Star Trek spinoffs, LA Law (1991), Murphy Brown
(1995) and Chicago Hope (1998). Also roles in Titanic and Seabiscuit.
SB-12 Alan: You okay? Denny: I’m tired of my
Alzheimer’s being a story point. [1:00]
Late at night in office, weighing heavily, pensive Denny. Reveal about
Dennys father.
SB-13 Ryan Myerson: She loved to read more than
anything else in the world. And in the last few months, she couldn’t even
do that.
Side: Cut dialog
Alan Shore: She couldn’t read.
Ryan Myerson: She could read magazines or newspapers, but her
comprehensive skills for longer works… by the time she’d get to one
chapter, she’d have forgotten all the chapters that came before. Books
were impossible. That destroyed her. Alan Shore: Were there other
indications of… mental incapacity?
Ryan Myerson: She’d constantly lose things. She couldn’t drive anymore
because she lacked the focus. Paying real attention to anything was next
to impossible. She was emotionally unstable. The week before she… … she
decided to go for a walk, one she’d taken thousands of times on our
street. She got lost. Fighting some emotion. She couldn’t find her way
Side: Cut dialog
Alan Shore: Suicide isn’t a crime, Mr Myerson. Assisting one is. Why did
you choose to help her in this?
Side: During Koupfer’s cross of Myerson about
killing his wife to make it easier on him, Denny leaps to his feet.
Objection! That startles the courtroom. Denny is immediately embarrassed
at his own eruption. The room is somewhat stunned. Judge Thurmond: The
objection’s overruled. Are you alright, Mr Crane? Alan just looks, giving
Denny room to say more if necessary. He doesn’t. Later, calls it his pop
tart move.
Wrap up: Not Guilty, but there’s a look between Ryan and the nurse Jody
Young / Stacy Galina (Chandlers ex on Friends; ha – Selleck is Monica’s
end music: Jason Mraz's "Life is Wonderful" from his 2005 album "Mr. A-Z".
First line: “It takes a crane to build a crane”
SB-14 Alan: Denny, when you launched yourself in
court like a pop tart… [3:00]
Denny explains how his dad died, then Alan and Denny contemplate their own
5. Preview
2.17 There’s Fire SB-15 preview [:30]
6. Trek in the Courtroom
Themes: Parental estrangement, Wedding Belles and Alumni [read
pdf and see images]
7. Chat with Georgia
Topics: Filming Finding Nimmo, aired Oct. 11, filmed in spring. CD,
iSounds free mp3, hip-hop-folk EP, singing at New York Knicks and New York
Rangers games/ Madison Sq Garden,
CanWest newspaper article, CBC Radio interview
First mention of Nimmo in December 2004 "A Greater Good" [1:9; air date:
Dec. 12], Denny needed to win a big drug company case so he could make
enough money to buy Nimmo Bay: "There is this fishing lodge in British
Columbia called Nimmo Bay. Best fishing lodge in the world, very
expensive, costs lots of money. I want to buy it. It's in the Great Bear
8. News
Dana: Ratings Live Big - Households: 9.5 mil [10.4 mil last week]; 6.2/9 ,
2.8 in 18-49 [3.3 last week], gaining from lead-in George Lopez [4.1/6 and
2.6 in 18-49]. A repeat of CSI pulled a 7/11. The Olympic skating
competition was 17.7 at 10pm
- March 3: Julie Bowen's [Denise Bauer] birthday
- March 22: William Shatner's [Denny Crane] birthday
- March 22: "William Shatner in Concert" on Living in TV Land
- April 4: David E. Kelley's birthday
- April 11: preemption for "The Ten Commandments"
Selleck will reprise his role as Ivan Tiggs in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
(broadcast March 21) and both Ivan and Missy (Meredith Patterson) will be
back for ep. 22 “Ivan the Incorrigible”, set to air April 3.
END: Theme - Thanks, Again / Georgia Murray
~ FIN ~