Boston Legal TV - James Spader, William Shatner, Candice Bergen, John Larroquette, Tara Summers, Christian Clemenson; by ABC TV and David E. Kelley Productions

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About the site

[ contributors ]

Mark Valley as Brad Chase

I would like to thank the following people in helping and motivating me to grow this website.  Without generous souls like them, this site wouldn't be as successful as it is!

The Boston Legal benefactors are listed in order of when they donated via Paypal.
Dineen Mager
Lucy Brown *
Celia Varga
Susan Bruner *
Joe Solo
Michael Peterson
Harlan Plagmann
Ruth Adar  *
Bridget Nash
Susan Bueti
Linda King
Jamie Todhunter *
Melody Morris *
Carolyn Corona
Ann Romeo *
Wayne Tull *
Barbara Clarke *
Sarah Robinson *
Kenneth Green
Tina Cash *
Nancy Black *
Colleen Scorzo *
Donna Schain *
Marcia Oliver *
Christine J *
Sylvia Müller
Nicole Maguire *
Jeff Martin
Lenie Piena *
Catherine Shuttleworth *
Paulette Fehl *
Thomas Hughes
Hanka Spittel
Lenie *
Maria Bustamante
Sara Clarson
* = $20 or more

Enjoy the podcasts, streaming videos and breaking news? Your contribution via PayPal will help with bandwidth and servers costs and allow me to continue to produce new audio and video content.

One time donation of any amount
Recurring $2/month donation
Script Transcriptionists
These guys put their love of Boston Legal where their tireless fingers are. Thank you for making it possible to read Boston Legal. Your scripts are also helping those who either can't see BL or for whom English is a second language.
Imamess - 35 scripts and counting
Sheri - 13 so far

Compilation videos such as The Balcony Scenes and Alan Shore: The Women in his Life take a lot of work and thousands have benefited from watching a succinct overview of Boston Legal this way. Thank you, Imamess, for being our BL Retrospective Videographer. Appreciation for supplying many interview videos for this site goes to Sue. Mauibabe Michelle,  Susan/Nigelsmum [example] and Katy gave this site some rare interview videos - thank you.

Acts of Kindness
For the intangible, immeasurable moments of friendship, inspiration, loyalty. You mean a lot to me - more than you know. Listed in random order.
Beverly - my producer buddy and writing partner with connections, stories, effervescence to spare.
Imamess - dedicated, tireless, never sleeps
Debb - Trek in the Courtroom expert and regular podcast contributor
Sue - forum co-mod, scapper, ratings grapher, BL music expert - nice person
TopDog - ratings and news scoop genius
OLucy - funny and smart, like her namesake
Cat - a sweet, generous lifesaver
Jacki - the original Spadergrrrl
Carolyn - best Spader writer ever
Michelle - great BL character writing
Kyle - Boston Legal podcaster & reviewer
Anais - gifted this site with press kits from every Spader movie ever. Wow. Will scan and post.
Raura - episode images for the site

There are many more people who have contributed to and I feel bad that I know I'm not listing everyone. Know someone who should be here? Please email me.


[ site faq ]

Alan and Brad face off

open since: July 2, 2004
hosted by:
buck stops at: dana greenlee

Some stats [more coming]
- 1,426,369 visits June 2005 - June 2006.
- 240,759 visits, highest trafficed month, March, 2006
- Top three highest trafficed weeks:
"Stick It", March 14: 79,179
"Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", March 21: 67,266
Season Finale, May 16: 66,162
- Most popular pages after Home: Video and Episodes
- Top three non-U.S. visits: France, Canada, United Kingdom

Updates - new pages, transcripts and videos are listed on the home page in the right column

Forum - Moderated by Sue and I [Dana]. Lovely community. Join and jump in. I'm an organization freak so please read the forum rules before your first post.

Site credits - Thanks to Cree for creating our site banner. All the photos and news used on the website were used without permission for the enjoyment of the visitor. I try my best to credit all photographers and writers but if I have missed a credit, please email me and I will correct my oversight.

Newsletter - well, there is one. It just never seems to get made and get sent. Read old newsletters here and, if you want, add your name to the list in case I get productive. BTW, the newsletter is shared with the site.

Petition - On March 20, 2005, I started a petition to renew Boston Legal for a second season.  Of course, no need to sign it at this point, but as an archive of fan interest during the time BL was yanked in favor of Grey's Anatomy, you might enjoy reading some of the obrt 2,000 comments left by BL viewers.

Boston Legal Buddy TV
Check out BuddyTV!I want to invite you to join me [Dana, your editor] and other Boston Legal fans this finale Tuesday at 9pm Pacific Time for a live chat [both text and audio] as the episode unfolds. You can do this if you have a computer handy near your television. As the TVj of the beta version of BuddyTV for Boston Legal, I'll provide commentary and chat with you, including audio. There will be trivia and polls and questions and answers.  Explore for Boston Legal and your other favorite shows.
>> Archive of previous episode chats ready for reply
>> Read all about the FAQ's of Boston Legal on Buddy TV in our forum

[ testimony ]

Marisa Coughlan as Melissa

Thank you for your wonderfully warm and fuzzy words about this site. I'm posting a few of the many - with gratitude.

"This website is an amazing achievement and I tell all my fellow BL fans to visit it because it is simply that good. No network or corporation would ever create a site with the quality that this site has presented, and no matter what happens, always remember that." ~ X-Ray

"This is a terrific site and you have given a lot of us a great deal of pleasure." ~ Radar, Los Angeles

"Thanks for this incredible site. I check it every single day." ~ Alyssa

"I just want to say thanks to your hard work. and are two of the greatest sites I've seen in years. You've done wonderful work." ~ Raura, Taiwan

"Dana! We all love you, we all love your site!" ~ Janette, Sydney, Australia

"I am a Japanese fan of your great podcast and it has become my favorite podcast show. I watch Boston Legal first then listen to the Boston Illegal podcast, after that I look up words which I could not get using the transcript uploaded on this site. I usually listen to your podcast 2 or 3 times. I can not imagine Boston Legal without the Boston Illegal now -
background music of podcast, replaying clips of Boston Legal, talking about secrets of each episode, editing skill - everything is great. I really loved your edit of music and lines from episode Witches of Mass Destruction in the ending of the podcast. That was awesome! I understand that keeping it for free is so hard. I really appreciate if you can keep doing this for as long as you can." ~ Ume, Japan

Just want to say fantastic site and your efforts are very much appreciated. Excellent policy on not allowing paparazzi/invasion of privacy photos, I respect that. Keep up the excellent work, especially the streaming video.
~ Debbie, Cape Town, South Africa

Dana, you''ve become a favorite
dorky/nerdy/big-hearted girl we hope makes good and wins the cool guy by the end of this After School Special known as that you've created. There's much to be respected about what you've put together.
~ DEKfan



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Unofficial site; David E. Kelley Productions and ABC Television own Boston Legal, its characters and related entities. This website and content on this site relating to Boston Legal is not authorized by ABC Television. Text and work uniquely created for this site belong to this site, unless otherwise credited.
Also, visit our companion sites  ~ ~

Some photos copyright 2004-2006 ABC, Inc. / Photographer: Ron Tom, Carin Baer, Robert Trachtenberg & others

Fair Use Notice: This site contains copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit use on the web constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 177 of the US Copyright Law. Streaming and digital rights controls are employed to protect against downloads and distribution. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

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