Next on Boston Legal: "True Love"
"Are you in love with my wife, Mr. Shore?"
Sneak Peek #1 of Boston Legal: Dances with Wolves
"...and that's the last thing we need when we're trying to elect
an African-American President." "Only in America.
Sweet land of
Liberty Valance."
Sneak Peek #2 of Boston Legal: Dances with Wolves (1:30) "I shoot people all the time."
Next on Boston Legal 5x2: Guardians and Gatekeepers
(:39) "Call 911!"
Boston Legal Preview for "Smoke Signals"
(:20) "And so it begins."
Sneak Peek of Season Premiere of Boston Legal: Smoke Signals
(2:21) "It's receded - like a turtle too ashamed to come out of its shell!"
Season Three

Watch ABC preview for "Trial of the Century"; 3x24 May 29 (:30)

ABC Preview for "Trial of the Century"; 3x24 May 29 (:15)

Watch Legal Brief for finale; 3x24 May 29 (1:51)

Watch "Next on... " for "Trial of the Century"; 3x24 May 29 (:30)

Watch Legal Brief for "Duck and Cover"; 3x23 May 15 (:70)

Watch ABC preview for "Duck and Cover"; 3x23 May 15 (:30)

Watch "Next on... " for "Duck and Cover"; 3x23 May 15 (:30)

Watch Legal Brief for "Guantanamo By The Bay"; 3x22 May 8 (:70)

Watch "Next on... " for "Guantanamo By The Bay"; 3x22 May 8 (:30)

Watch "Next on... " for "Tea and Sympathy"; 3x21 May 1 (:30)

Watch Legal Brief for "Tea and Sympathy"; 3x21 May 1 (1:53)

Watch ABC preview for "Guise 'n Dolls"; 3x20 April 24 (:30)

Watch "Next on... " for "Guise 'n Dolls"; 3x20 April
24 (:30)

Watch Legal Brief for "Guise 'n Dolls"; 3x20 April 24 (1:30)

Watch Legal Brief for "Brotherly Love"; 3x19 April 10 (1:00)

Watch ABC preview for "Brotherly Love"; 3x19 April 10 (:30)

Watch "Next on..." for "Brotherly Love"; 3x19 April 10 (:30)

Watch ABC Preview "Son of the Defender"; 3x18 April 3 (:30)

Watch Legal Brief for "Son of the Defender"; 3x18 April 3 (2:00)

Watch "Next on..." Preview for "Son of the Defender"; 3x18. April 3 (:30)

Watch ABC Preview "The Bride Wore Blood"; 3x17. March 20 (:15)

Watch "Next on..." Preview for "The Bride Wore Blood; 3x17. March. 20 (:30)

Watch the Boston Legal Brief for "The Good Lawyer";
3x16 Feb. 20 (:50)

Watch "Next on..." preview for "The Good Lawyer";
3x16. Feb. 20 (:30)

Watch the ABC Sneak Peek for "Fat Burner"; 3x15. Feb. 13 (1:30)

Watch "Next on..." preview for "Fat Burner";
3x15. Feb. 13 (:30)

Watch "Next on..." preview for "Selling Sickness";
3x14. Feb. 6 (:30)

Watch ABC promo for "Dumping Bella";
3x13. Jan. 30 (:30)

Watch ABC promo for "Dumping Bella" Jan. 30 (:30)

Watch "Next on..." preview for "Dumping Bella" 3x13, Jan. 30 (:30)

Watch the ABC promo for "Nuts" 3x12, Jan.
16 (:30)

Watch the ABC promo for "Nuts" 3x12, Jan. 16 (:15)

Watch "Next on..." preview for "Nuts" 3x12, Jan. 16 (:30)

Watch the ABC promo for "Angel of Death" 3x11, Jan. 9 (:30)

Watch the ABC promo for "Angel of Death" 3x11, Jan.
9 (:15)

Watch the ABC promo for "Angel of Death" 3x11, Jan. 9 (:30)

Watch "Next on..." preview for "Angel of Death" 3x11, Jan. 9 (:30)

Watch the ABC promo for "The Nutcrackers" 3x10, Dec. 5 (:15)

Watch "Next on..." preview for "The Nutcrackers" 3x10, Dec. 5 (:30)

Watch "Next on... " preview for "On the Ledge" 3x9, Nov. 28 (:30)

Watch the ABC promo ' for "Lincoln" 3x8, Nov. 26 (:30)

Watch the ABC promo ' for "Lincoln" 3x8, Nov.
26 (:15)

Watch 'Next on... ' for "Lincoln" 3x8, Nov.
26 (:30)

Watch the ABC Promo for "Trick or Treat" 3x7, Oct. 31 (:30)

Watch 'Next on... ' for "Trick or Treat" 3x7, Oct. 31 (:30)

Watch ABC preview for "The Verdict" 3x6, Oct. 24 (:15)

Watch "Next on... " for "The Verdict" 3x6, Oct.
24 (:30)

Watch the ABC Promo for "Whose God Is It, Anyway?" 3x5, October 17, 2006 (:15)

Watch 'Next On... ' for "Whose God Is It, Anyway?"
3x5, October 17, 2006 (:30)

Watch ABC Promo for "Fine Young Cannibal" 3x4, October 10, 2006 (:15)

Watch 'Next On... ' for "Fine Young Cannibal" 3x4, October 10, 2006 (:30)

Watch the preview for "Desperately Seeking Shirley"
Promo 2; 3x3, October 3, 2006 (:30)

Watch the preview for "Desperately Seeking Shirley"
3x3, Oct. 3, 2006 (:30)

Watch the preview for "New Kids on the Block"; 3x2 (:30)

Watch the preview for "New Kids on the Block" (:15)
Play 15
sec. version
Play 30 sec. version
The first "Boston Legal" promos for season three.
Season Two

Watch 2nd preview for "Spring Fever and BL: Los Angeles";
2x26 & 2x27

Watch the preview for "Spring Fever and BL: Los Angeles";
2x26 & 2x27

Watch the preview for "Squid Pro Quo 2x25 (:60)

Watch the preview for "Deep End of the Poole"
(:40) 2x25.
Promo 2;
Airdate: May 2, 2006

Watch the preview for "Deep End of the Poole"

Watch the preview for "Race Ipsa"
Promo 2 (:40)
Airdate: April 25, 2006

Watch the preview for "Race Ipsa"
2x23 (:40)

Watch the preview for "Ivan the Incorrigible" 2x22 (:30)

Watch the preview for "Ivan the Incorrigible"
2x22. Promo 2
Airdate: April 18, 2006

Watch the preview for "Ivan the Incorrigible" 2x22 (:30)

Watch the preview for "Word Salad Day" 2x21 (:40) Airdate: March
28, 2006

Watch the preview for "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" 2x20 (:40) Airdate: March
21, 2006

Watch the preview for "Stick It" (:40) Airdate: March 14, 2006

Watch the preview for "Shock and Oww!" (:40) Airdate: March 7, 2006

Watch the preview for "Shock and Oww!",
Pt. 2 (:20) Airdate: March 7, 2006

Watch the preview for "There's Fire" (:23)
Part 2; Airdate: February 28, 2006

Watch the preview for "There's Fire" (:40)

Watch the preview for "Live Big"
Pt. 2
(:25) Airdate: February 21, 2006

Watch the preview for "Live Big" (:40)

Watch the preview for "Smile" (:40)
Airdate: February 14, 2006

Watch the preview for "Smile"
Pt. 2

Watch previews for 2006 (:23)
Airdate: February 2006<

Watch the "Breast in Show" preview
pt. 2 (:24)

Watch the "Breast in Show" preview (:40)
Airdate: February 7, 2006

Watch the "Too Much Information" promo 2 (:20)

Watch the "Too Much Information" preview (:40)
Airdate: January 24, 2006

Watch the "Helping Hands" preview (:40)
Airdate: January 17, 2006

Watch the "The Cancer Man Can" promo (:26)

Watch the "The Cancer Man Can" preview (:40)
Airdate: January 10, 2006

Watch the "Legal Deficits" preview
Airdate: December 13, 2005

Watch the "Gone" preview
Airdate: December 6, 2005

Watch the "Gone" preview (:40)
Airdate: December 6, 2005

Watch the "Ass Fat Jungle" preview (:40)
Airdate: November 15, 2005

Watch the "Truly, Madly, Deeply" preview (:40)
Airdate: November 8, 2005

"Witches of Mass
Destruction" version 2 Preview
Airdate: November 1, 2005
Watch "Witches of Mass Destruction" preview (:40)

Boston Legal: "Witches of Mass
Airdate: November 1, 2005
Watch "Witches of Mass Destruction" preview (:50)

Boston Legal: "Men to Boys"
Airdate: October 25, 2005
Watch "Men to Boys" preview (:50)

TWO Boston Legal: "A Whiff & a Prayer" Previews
Airdate: October 18, 2005
Watch "A Whiff & a Prayer" preview #1 (:30)
Watch "A Whiff & a Prayer" preview #2 (:50)

Boston Legal: Finding Nimmo Preview
Airdate: October 11, 2005
Watch "Finding Nimmo" preview clip (:48)

Boston Legal: The Black Widow Preview
Airdate: Sept. 27, 2005
Season Two Premiere: "Black Widow" promo (:30) [520 bitrate]
Season Four
Sneak Peek of Season Finale of Boston Legal: Patriot Acts
(1:00) "Paternity suit? Sexual
harassment? Emperors Club?"
HOMAGE ALERT: After watching this BL clip of Alan and Denny
exhibiting Coast Guard joy,
watch this quick clip from the movie "True Colors",
created by Hhogwild, to see a intriguingly similar scene
between Spader and John Cusack. Coincidence or a wink-wink
Next on the Season Finale of Boston Legal: Patriot
Acts (:30) "I won't lose."
Boston Legal Preview for The Gods Must Be Crazy
(:22) "You don't think before you speak. You barely speak the English language."
Next on Boston Legal: The Gods Must Be Crazy (:30) "Denny Crane: Commander in Chief."
Boston Legal Sneak Peek 2: The Gods Must Be Crazy (2 min) "How would you feel about running for President?"
Sneak Peek for Boston Legal: The Gods Must Be Crazy (2 min) "I like sex. I like women. I'll hump anything in a dress. I'll even get down on the floor with you right now if they'll turn off the lights."
Next on Boston Legal: Indecent Proposals "Marry me." (:30)
Promo for Boston Legal: The Court Supreme "Denny Crane before the Supreme Court. We can sell tickets." (:20)
Sneak Peek for Boston Legal: The Court Supreme "It's not about the client. It's about me." (1:45)
Next on Boston Legal: The Court Supreme, April 22, 2008. "We're here, Alan. We're really here. Look at us, before the Supreme Court of the United States." (:30)
Sneak Peek for Boston Legal: The Mighty Rogues, April 15, 2008 (1:00) "The medically ethical thing here is to let this persons brain continue to rot."
Next on Boston Legal: The Mighty Rogues, April 15, 2008 (:30) "An atomic bomb? On
Sneak Peek for Boston Legal: Tabloid Nation, April 8, 2008 (1:33) "Why do you have little hoses attached to your face? The truth."