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Episode Summary
"Smile" / Season 2, Episode 15
A story of contraception, private institutions rules and Barry Manilow the
February 14, 2006
Shirley and Denise represent Amelia Warner (18), who was raped and is now
pregnant because a Catholic hospital refused to give her the morning-after
pill, and she insists on a trial to go public with it. Alan's former
secretary (Phyllis Deaver) asks for his help in getting her daughter
(Marissa) into a private school, who has nerve damage and cannot smile.
From ABC: Alan Shore files a discrimination suit against a private school
that refuses to admit a gifted nine-year-old girl with nerve damage that
makes it impossible for her to smile. Since Brad Chase’s attempt to bribe
Denny Crane’s fiancée, Beverly Bridge (Joanna Cassidy), failed miserably,
she threatens to tell Denny what happened unless Brad can find a legal
loophole to save her sickly cat from her ex-husband, who wants to take it
off of life support. Meanwhile, Shirley Schmidt and Denise Bauer defend a
teenaged girl who was brutally raped and is now pregnant. The girl wants
to sue the Catholic hospital where she was treated because they refused to
provide her with emergency contraception.
Episode Credits
Directed by .... Bob Yannetti
Written by .... Corinne Brinkerhoff
Joanna Cassidy.... Beverly Bridge
Steven M. Porter.... Kevin Willhite
Ken Lerner .... Howard Bridge
Kelly Smith.... Amelia Warner
Mary McDonough.... Theresa Warner
Hannah Leigh Dworkin .... Marissa Deaver
Shannon O’Hurley.... Phyllis Deaver
Kenneth Kimmins.... Dr. James Tusten
Don McManus.... Attorney John Lennox
Andy Umberger.... Attorney Morrison
Ron Canada.... Judge Willard Reese
Richard V. Licata.... Judge Dale Melman
Brandon Ford Green.... George
Freda Foh Shen .... Dr. Ann Kumi
Craig Patton .... foreman

Episode Dialogue
Alan Shore: I suppose coming to a lawyer’s office can’t be much fun.
Marissa Deaver: Actually, everyone seems friendly here.
Alan Shore: Well, they’re given an unlimited supply of donuts.
[Alan's original line in an early script was: "It comes easy at five hundred dollars an hour."]
Phyliss Deaver: I had a hard time trying to find you. I called Cruthers, Abbott…
Alan Shore: Oh, I was fired. Embezzlement.
Phyliss Deaver: Then I tried Young, Frutt and Berultti.
Alan Shore: Oh, yes. That ended badly.
Phyliss Deaver: And here you are at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.
Alan Shore: For now.
[Phyliss' original line in an early script was: "Then I tried Donnel, Dole, Young and Frutt…"
to which Alan replied: "I shut them down."]
Phyliss Deaver: I need your help. You always said I could come to you for
Alan Shore: I meant sexually.
Alan Shore: I think smiling is overrated. As you can see. *shows her the
cover photo on the Boston Tribune - a smiling Tom DeLay [R-TX], headlined
'DeLay Charges Ongoing"*
[Alan's line in the original script was: "Some of the most despicable
people on earth smile all the time."]
Denny Crane: Brad’s the best. I just made him partner.
Bev Bridge: Denny, I want reassurance.
Denny Crane: The man served in the Gulf War. The one that turned out okay.
He was top of his class at West Point and Harvard Law School. I’d put my
own life in his hands.
Shirley Schmidt: Denise, I understand you’re going through some
difficulties in your personal life.
Denise Bauer: It’s hard, but I’ll get through it.
Shirley Schmidt: From what I know about you, when things get tough you
prefer to bury yourself in your work. Allow me to provide you with a
Denny Crane: Bev will be happy which makes me happy, which makes you
happy. *Brad tries to follow that* So really, Brad, you’re doing this to
make you happy.
Dr James Tusten: Catholic hospitals are free to interpret sections of the
Ethical and Religious Directive liberally or conservatively. St Mary’s
takes a very strict application of Catholic teachings. That’s why I chose
to work there.
Shirley Schmidt: I see. Tell me, Dr Tusten, do you have a set schedule at
the ER?
Dr James Tusten: Of course.
Shirley Schmidt: But that puts you squarely on the job during the Sabbath.
Exodus 35:2 states that those who work on the Sabbath should be put to
Atty Morrison: Nevertheless, the court awarded Mr Bridge joint custody of
*Judge Reese looks at the documents*
Judge Willard Reese: The cat’s name is Barry Manilow?
Did You Know... ?

Explanation of Marissa
Deaver’s Magritte-style painting for Alan Shore
by Debb from Montreal
Debb, our Trek in the Courtroom Forensic Television Anthropoligist,
gathered this series of paintings from Rene Magritte to explain Marissa
Deaver’s Magritte-style painting for Alan Shore. To this day, it is the
only personal item in Alan’s office. The golden hand is the hand of God.
The fish on the Shore is one fish that could feed many, as in Alan
holding the salmon in Finding Nimmo. There is something about Shore that
is human, compelling, forgiving, calm, and passionate and righteous,
generous. He is Kelly's interpretation of God's advocate.
>> Click to see six Magritte
paintings that compare to Marissa's painting
Awareness about emergency contraception from RaisingHerVoice.com
RaisingHerVoice.com has created a
Boston Legal Viewing Party Toolkit >> pdf. They hosted a viewing
party in Philadelphia and provided material for other activists to do the
same, including Host/Facilitator Instructions, Episode Guide with Talking
Points, Fact Sheet about Emergency Contraception & Sexual Assault and Next
Steps for Activists. Following are examples of facts presented by
RaisingHerVoice.com in connection to the episode:
From the script:
Amelia: “My mom and I asked about [EC], and they said the risk [of
pregnancy] was small.”
Fact: According to medical reports, the incidence of pregnancy for
one-time unprotected sexual
intercourse is 5%. Using the 5% figure and statistics from the 2002
National Crime
Victimization Survey, the Rape and Incest National Network (RAINN)
estimates that there
were up to 4,315 pregnancies as a result of rape in 2002. Because rape is
such an underreported
crime, others put the figure at 25,000 a year.
From the script:
Amelia: “We went to our family doctor to try to get the
prescription there. That’s when we found out
you have to take it within 72 hours. It was too late. I was already
Fact: Though Plan B is FDA-approved for use up to only 72 hours,
experts encourage its use for
up to 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected sex. However, EC is more
effective the sooner
it is taken.
>> read more
Six Degrees of the Guest Star
Don McManus plays Attorney John Lennox in this episode. He's reprising his
role as John Lennox in the first episode of Boston Legal ("Head Cases").
He had a role in 1991 movie True Colors with James Spader as well as
appearing in episodes of Star Trek: Voyager (1996), a Murphy Brown (1995)
with Candice Bergen, and Ally McBeal. Most recently, he appeared in an
episode of Grey's Anatomy.
Thanks to Sue for this research. For more acting Six Degrees for every
guest star in this episode,
see our forum episode page
Episode Reviews
| 2.15 'Smile' written by
Coming soon.
Written by: Abney | Send feedback and comments to Abney at
Episode News
Ratings Ratings [101
by Nielsen]
Feb. 14, 2005 "Smile"
>> More ratings information in our Forum

Trial by Fire
Lawrence Journal World by Mindie Paget
[excerpt] Corinne Brinkerhoff was your basic intern. Young. Green. Adept
at copying and filing, making herself as useful as possible. Her efforts
paid off with an offer to become the boss’s personal assistant. The boss?
Television giant David E. Kelley. [edit] ...After being promoted to
development manager for Kelley’s Los Angeles production company and
telling her boss that her dream was to write — he deemed the first script
she’d ever attempted good enough for an episode of “Boston Legal.”
>> read Jan. 10 article |
>> read Feb. 13 update
imitates politics in drama over a drug'Morning-after pill' is prime-time
By Marie McCullough, Philadelphia Inquirer Staff Writer
Although the Bush administration continues to spurn emergency
contraception, promoters of the method are partying.
Across the country, they are gathering with friends and neighbors to watch
tonight's episode of the ABC-TV show Boston Legal. It will feature "a
teenaged girl who was brutally raped and is now pregnant. The girl wants
to sue the Catholic hospital where she was treated because they refused to
provide her with emergency contraception," the network says.
Carol Petraitis, an emergency-contraception advocate at the American Civil
Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, posted Boston Legal viewing guides and
sexual-assault fact sheets on an ACLU Web site,
"This is a good way to show there are real victims and this is a real
problem," Petraitis said.
In the episode, the teenager goes to court and, well, suffice it to
say the verdict is a Valentine to victims' advocates.
The backstory: The "morning-after pill" is an overdose of regular
birth-control hormones that must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected
sex. Medical experts say it should be standard care for rape victims, who
have about a 5 percent chance of pregnancy.
In late 2004, the Department of Justice issued its first-ever national
guidelines for treating sexual-assault victims, with no mention of
emergency contraception.
Justice spokesman Eric Holland would not comment on the show but said
the guidelines take "a victim-sensitive approach."
Medical, public-health and rape-crisis experts who helped write the
130-page protocol were outraged by the omission of emergency
Since then, they have prodded eight states to to require hospitals to
offer emergency contraception to rape victims. New Jersey passed an "EC in
the ER" law last year, and Pennsylvania is considering one.
Massachusetts' law went into effect exactly two months ago - but not
before some fact-checking by a Boston Legal scriptwriter sparked a
political furor over whether religious-affiliated hospitals had to comply.
read more

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February 14, 2006: