Boston Legal TV - James Spader, William Shatner, Candice Bergen, John Larroquette, Tara Summers, Christian Clemenson; by ABC TV and David E. Kelley Productions

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Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Miscellaneous Boston Legal too quirky to categorize

Watch miscellaneous videos of Boston Legal too quirky to categorize; Windows Media streaming; 340 bitrate / no downloads

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ABC Advertisers Promo (1:22)

Watch excerpts from the original "The Defender", starring William Shatner. Clips from this 1957 episode will be included in BL's April 3 episode. (28:20)



Watch Shatner's :30 PSA for PETA. Please visit PETA TV and learn how people are hurting animals and how you can do something about it. Make a change in your life along with me: Action to take for specific causes and lifestyle activism.

Listen or download to use as a ringtone "Denny Crane, eh?" mp3

Listen to "And So It Goes" by Billy Joel, the haunting musical thread that ran through the fabric of the "Son of the Defender" episode. Then order your own copy of the CD.


>> Watch video of Shatner reading a Christmas Carol


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Unofficial site; David E. Kelley Productions and ABC Television own Boston Legal, its characters and related entities. This website and content on this site relating to Boston Legal is not authorized by ABC Television. Text and work uniquely created for this site belong to this site, unless otherwise credited.
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Some photos copyright 2004-2006 ABC, Inc. / Photographer: Ron Tom, Carin Baer, Robert Trachtenberg & others

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