Why Mark Valley is Emmy Worthy for Boston Legal
For your consideration: Best Supporting Actor, Drama -Mark Valley as
Brad Chase in Boston Legal
Hired Guns [airdate: December 19, 2004]
The role of any actor is to draw you in without chewing the scenery.
Masterful in its rhythm and pace, this was evident in Valley's fluid,
almost 4 minute cross-examination of the police detective. He reeled
you in and you hung in there with him in full attention.
It was obvious that the detective formed his own conclusion on what
transpired the night Susan May's husband and lover were found shot to
death. With great precision, skill and at times, with pit-bull
demeanor, Valley's Brad Chase was able to illuminate that fact to the
jurors in his line of questioning. Challenging the detective, at
times even subtlety mocking him, he successfully tore down the
assumptions, allowing the jurors to consider that his client could not
have possibly committed the double-murders.
For the most part in Boston Legal, Valley's Brad Chase has not been
given enough to do, but when given the chance, both the character and
actor show what they are capable of.
[written by Carol M.]
Boston Legal: Hired Guns Season 1, Episode 10
Airdate: December 19, 2004
Watch clips of Mark Valley's performance as Brad Chase in this
(23:12) Mark's cross examination of the detective begins at minute 4.
Watch 5th segment clip
wm stream; 298 bitrate / no downloads
The video of the fifth segment is not only a great performance by all
involved but a compelling - and award-winning - example of editing. It
intersperses Brad's closing argument with the resolution of the
storyline where Alan Shore is held hostage. Phil Neel edited Hired Guns,
It Girls and Beyond [ep 13] and Death Be Not Proud [ep 17]. Phil won the
ACE [American Cinema Editors] Eddie Award for
Unofficial site; show and characters belong to David E. Kelley
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Some photos copyright 2004-2005
ABC, Inc. / Photographer: Robert Trachtenberg
& others
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